17 Jan Happiness in schools
Now that you’ve wished all a happy New Year, let me pose one of those disturbing little Socratic questions: Can you make yourself happier, or are you stuck with what you are?
The debate over this question is intensifying. With each new week, a novel angle on the exploding field of positive psychology, the science of happiness, makes news.
How solid is the new science? If happiness turns out to be serious business, it’s much too relevant to real life to leave in the hands of academics. Let’s take a peek at this new field and talk about the implications for our system of education and, yes, our own happiness.
Click here to read the full happiness in schools article.
And to find out more about The Happiness Institute’s happiness coaching programs for schools or parents, please feel free to call on 02 9221 3306 or email to info@thehappinessinstitute.com.