Happiness at work

Happiness at work

I’m really excited!

I’ve just agreed to write another book, along the same lines as “The Happiness Handbook” but more specifically focused on happiness at work.

Now most of the book will address organisational applications of the core principles outlined in The Happiness Handbook, along with the many lessons I’ve learned over the last few years while working with, and consulting to numerous teams and organisations.

But in addition, I’m keen to include a number of case studies and “real life” examples of what makes workplaces happy and what separates happy and effective managers from those who’re not so positive. Obviously, I have a mental database of past and current clients whose stories I plan to describe but in addition, I’d love to hear from you.

So please let me know what you think are the most significant contributors to happiness at work. Please let me know what you think are the biggest influencers of positivity in the places you work (or have worked). What’s been effective and what hasn’t?

Send your thoughts and stories to tim@thehappinessinstitute.com. I look forward to reading your contributions.