Happiness might not come from knowing everything!

Happiness might not come from knowing everything!

I’m in the middle of reading some fascinating neuroscientific research that among other things, is trying to identify the areas of the brain that underlie happiness and satisfaction. I won’t bore you with all the details but in brief, these scientists are studying an area of the brain called the striatum along with levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine.

In short, one of the most thought provoking findings is that we seem to gain more satisfaction from unpredictable events than from predictable ones.

This is interesting as many people picture happiness as something in which all is known, all is good and all is peaceful. In reality, based on the findings of this valid and reliable research, happiness may well stem more novelty and challenge.

I’ve no doubt that for me, satisfaction frequently comes from learning new things and from challenging myself (as opposed to doing something with which I’m very familiar). What about you…any thoughts?