Can we be happy despite the New Orleans disaster?

Can we be happy despite the New Orleans disaster?

I was chatting to someone this week who asked “How can we be happy given the devastation recectly wrought by hurricane Katrina?”. My response was carefully consisered.

I believe that this is one of the most distressing stories of the year, if not longer. I’ve heard of things happening that are truly shocking and of lives, undoubtedly many lives, completely ruined.

But at the same time, we can be happy we weren’t there; we can be happy most survived; we can be happy that many helped others; and we can be happy that most will rebuild their lives.

The fact that there was loss of life and loss of possessions and even loss of humanity is not something any of us should revel in or feel pleased with. But to continue a common them of late, we can be grateful for what we have, for what others have, and we can do whatever we can to help those less fortunate than ourselves.