Raising Happy Children

Raising Happy Children

Last night (August 1, 2005) I spoke to an audience of parents (and some teachers) about raising happy children. Although most of my presentation centred around my “CHOOSE to be happy” philosophy (in which the letters of “CHOOSE” stand for: Clarify your goals, Healthy Living, Optimism, Others, Strengths and Enjoy the moment) I also discussed my strong belief that to raise happy children we first need to be happy parents.

First things first, then. Help yourself to be happy and you can then help others. Be happy and behave happily and you can model happiness for others (including your children).

I’ve since received numerous compliments and several invitations to speak at other events so my message must have been well received. If you’d like to read more about “Raising Happy Children” check out my new eBook in the products section of this site. And if you’d like to make any comments in this posting…go right ahead. I’d love to hear your thoughts.