Setbacks are inevitable, here’s your brain’s survival guide to get motivated again

Setbacks are inevitable, here’s your brain’s survival guide to get motivated again

A life without setbacks would be, well, not a “real” life.

If you’re not failing or falling then you’re probably not doing anything!

Facing challenges along the way is just part of finding the way; just as unhappiness and distress is an inherent part of happiness and success.

There’s no such thing as a happy life without some ups and downs so here’s how you can bounce back after those downs and enjoy more happiness again as soon as possible …

via Fast Company by Nora Tobin

As we fly through Q1, the 2023 list of resolutions and new goals may be in the rearview mirror at this point. If you are like me, you have created a broad spectrum of objectives as it relates to professional goals. For me, it was everything from expanding my Nora’s Naturals offerings globally to a tech fire wall before 7 a.m. daily.  

I was set out to consume less wine and more water. Let’s just say February got the best of me. 

While goals always seem reasonable when writing them down, it is easy for life to take over and let the list fall by the wayside. For me personally, I found it frustrating to fall short of any sought after goal, even by an inch. The first move I used to make was to beat myself up, then double down on the loss. Instead of simply acknowledging that I didn’t quite hit the target this time and try again bright and early on Monday morning, I would focus on the letdown, giving up on the goal all together. The mind is a powerful tool, with the ability to propel or deplete us. 

To support the lineup of accomplishments you are about to make in 2023, and to avoid the setbacks whenever we fall short, I would like to share the powerful performance strategies that specifically shift neural pathways in the brain. Rather than halting our goals if we miss the mark, we can set a strategy for optimal outcomes. 

To start, it can be very helpful to create a plan for action that is propelled by impactful levels of motivation. After all, we are dynamic individuals who ultimately thrive off of deeper stages of meaning. If our professional goals are not identified with a level of purpose, we may never reach them. Not from a lack of trying, but simply from a minimized level of importance registered in the brain. 


Determine what it is about the goal that drives behavior. The daily steps to meet the goal become crystallized when we feel and understand the purpose behind it. 

Take 10-minutes to perform the exercise at the same time each week for the next four weeks straight. Since our workweek is dynamic, goals and projected outcomes can shift. It is valuable to keep coming back to the foundational purpose behind the goal itself …

… keep reading the full & original article HERE