09 Oct 5 ways to find happiness amidst the chaos
Life can be so hectic at times; but that doesn't mean we still can't find peace and happiness…
via the Huffington Post by Dr Darria Long Gillespie
Some women launch record-breaking social media campaigns. Some volunteer in Haiti. Some raise three children — while they're launching their own business, finding time to exercise and (even!) meditate. Danica Kombol, CEO of Everywhere Agency, does them all.
Yet at one point in her life, she wasn't actually "present" for any of them. In my interview with her for Sharecare Radio (listen to the segment here), she shared how she learned that by not being "present" and prioritizing her health (and sanity!), she wasn't just harming herself, but also her family, relationships and work. As she puts it, "If mama's not healthy, nobody's healthy. The entire fabric of your house suffers".
Some of her favorite tricks to stay in the moment and keep from running on empty:
1. Take a breather. I often think I can't spare a moment to slow down, but in reality taking a short, five to 10-minute break and coming back refreshed is far more efficient than sitting and staring at the same document for an hour. Danica says when she's overloaded, she reaches the point "where I'm just not making good decisions. " That's when she knows it's time to step back. Find what calms you -whether it's a walk outdoors or time to meditate, it's worth fitting it in…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE