17 Apr Add depth to your happiness by finding or creating a life purpose
There's no doubt happy peole smile and laugh more, and that they have more fun.
But there's also no doubt that real and meaningful happiness is MORE than just pleasure and play. Happiness is, partly, pleasure and play but it's also meaningful connections, meaningful accomplishments and having a sense fo purpose and direction.
Accordingly, if you want to add more depth to your happiness and if you’re trying to discover life purpose – read this…
by Diana Reid
“Realize what you really want. It stops you from chasing butterflies and puts you to work digging gold.” ~ William Moulton Marsden
Trying to discover your life’s purpose can be frustrating if you don’t know where to start. It all begins when you know there is more to life and more to who you are. You are that person who can go out there and make a difference in the world by finding purpose and being on the right path. You have everything you need right now for that discovery. In this post you will discover your purpose by taking action steps that will help you get there. See this as a mini course because when you’re done reading (and writing), you will have discovered things about yourself you probably didn’t think of as important until now.
Do what makes you unique
Your uniqueness often means to non-conform with the rest of the world. Find your own strengths, passions and values. Walk away from what seems conventional and follow you heart, blazing your own trail.
Use your own guidance
Get in touch with your feelings how you feel when you’re doing something? This may be in your job, when doing a task or hobby. When do you lose track of time? What are you doing? Keep a notebook handy or use your phone to record these moments. Because feelings are the key to doing what you love (or don’t like). Do the things you love more often by being conscious of how you feel when doing something.
When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when older?
(Before other people crushed this idea) Create quiet time because we are about to go back to when your imagination would go wild and create images of you doing amazing things. What was it that you told everyone you wanted to be? What did you love to do? Where did you love to go?
…keep reading the full article HERE