A mantra for another day …

A mantra for another day …

And today, like all days, is another day.

Another day when you’ll try to remember your goals and on what you want to focus. Another day when you’ll start off focused, then lose focus, and then try to refocus again.

Another day when you’ll feel frustrated, with yourself and the world, then try to forgive yourself, show yourself compassion, and move on with positivity.

Another day when you’ll feel wronged, and wrong others, but do what you can to apologise and reset yourself.

Today’s another day, just like all days, when you’ll be human and fallible, when you’ll stuff up and fall over.

And today’s another day, just like all days, when you’ll be strong and resilient and when you’ll keep going despite it all.

Today, like all days, is another day to enjoy what you can and be happy, and accept all else with equanimity.