12 simple tips for happiness

12 simple tips for happiness

Sometimes we overcomplicate life. 

Sometimes we overcomplicate happiness. 

Happiness and living a great life need not be difficult. Here at The Happiness Institute w've been saying for many years now that achieving happiness requires nothing more than practising a few simple disciplines each and every day. 

Here are some examples of those "disciplines"…

  1. Keep life simple

  2. Work at being satisfied with what you have

  3. Make tough choices

  4. Practice cheerfulness 

  5. Learn to like people

  6. Forgive

  7. Learn from adversity

  8. Don't take yourself or life too seriosly

  9. Have a sense of humour

  10. Practice objectivity and mindfulness

  11. Accept you'll make mistakes

  12. Forgive yourself

You can read more about these 12 happiness techniques HERE

And you can add your own ideas for happiness HERE on The Happiness Institute's Facebook Page