21 Oct The importance of relationships to happiness
Positive Psychology has been described as a discipline supported by three pillars: Positive Emotions (such as happiness) / Experiences, Positive Traits, and Positive Institutions. In recent lectures, Martin Seligman has expanded the construct to include Positive Relationships as one of the pillars of positive psychology.
That is good news _ã_ but would it be cheeky to ask for an immediate upgrade? Relationships are central to happiness and well-being, and deeply entwined with the other pillars of positive psychology. Should positive relationships be described as the very foundation of a science of flourishing, rather than a pillar?
Many of our experiences and strengths develop in, and depend upon, relationship. The rewards of knowing and acting through personal strengths may be more fulfilling and lead to greater well-being when we feel self directed and connected to others. Positive institutions are not built by architects and engineers, but by groups of people in relationship. Institutions flourish when relationships thrive and work enhances well-being.
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