7 Questions to Avoid Regret When Making Tough Decisions

7 Questions to Avoid Regret When Making Tough Decisions

Living well and enjoying happiness aren’t always easy.

Sometimes happiness comes easily, and flows in without much or any effort. But sometimes happiness and life satisfaction and success require decisions; sometimes difficult decisions.

But there’s a way of making those decisions, thereby enjoying more happiness and contentment, with less regret.

Sound interesting? If so, read on …

via Inc.com by Jessica Stillman

Experts insist you can’t avoid regrets, but most of us definitely want to minimize them. These questions can help.

There are plenty of scientific studies and experts I could point you toward to help you feel better about your regrets. There’s the one showing you’re probably idealizing the choice you didn’t make. The path not taken is generally way less nice than we imagine. Or the many studies showing how incredibly common regrets are. Or how about this expert who argues that regrets are essential for learning and wisdom?

But no matter how much research I cite, I’m willing to bet that most entrepreneurs out there are keen to minimize their regrets in life.

We might not be able to entirely eliminate regrets, but most of us would like to avoid as many big ones as possible. How do you do that? There’s no shortage of tips on that topic as well, but I found some of the most useful advice I’ve come across recently on Facebook, of all places.

There amid the vacation photos and dubious political pronouncements was a post from Gretchen Rubin, the best-selling author of The Happiness Project and most recently Life in Five Senses. In it, she lays out seven helpful questions she uses whenever she is standing at a crossroads and wants to reduce her chances of making a decision she’ll later regret. Perhaps one of them could save you from backward-looking agonizing in the future.

  1. Does this action reflect my personal commandment to “be myself”? “I want to accept myself, and also expect more from myself,” insists Rubin. This question reminded me of a TED Talk from philosopher Ruth Chang arguing that the best way to make hard choices is to think of them as an opportunity to move toward becoming who you want to become. Each decision is a chance to move toward your values and strengthen your chosen identities …

… keep reading the full & original article HERE