18 Jan This study just blew up a major happiness myth
via the Ladders by C W Headley
The extraordinary year that was 2020 (and 2021 is shaping up to also be a doozy) has changed the way people view happiness. After reviewing life satisfaction statistics from several different countries, new research finds that age is less important to well-being than wealth, education, health, and control are.
In a new study authored by Felix Bitmann, of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories, it’s suggested that the relationship between mental wellness, age, and circumstance is more complicated than previously published statistical literature has indicated.
Much of this data often seeks to determine the approximate age when people begin to become more depressed.
Questionnaires were provided to the study pool with the query: All things considered, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?
More discreetly, employment rate, income inequality, gender inequality, and life expectancy at birth all yielded prominent impacts on overall satisfaction.
The new report also factored in a country’s percent of internet users. Still, populations were happier in regions with access to healthcare and retirement benefit.
Age can have an correlative effect on the sociodemographic factors listed above but Bitmann rejects the inverse with rspect to any causal inferences…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE