10 Nov 11 simple truths that will make your life better right now!
If happiness is making the most of what's real, then this article will really help you enjoy more happiness…
…by Tamara Jenkins of Thought Catalog
1. Some people aren’t always meant to be in your life forever. Whether they’ve been around for years or for just a few months, when they’re done serving their purpose, they will exit. And that’s okay. Let them go.?
2. Some people will enter (or re-enter) your life to serve a new purpose. You may not know what it is at first. You may even be skeptical of their intentions but eventually it will become clear. And that’s okay. Let them in.?
3. It’s so much easier to accept your flaws and shortcomings rather than lament over them. Yes, this is easier said than done, and yes, this may take some work, but who you are is who you are — so you may as well accept it already. It won’t stop you from being loved. There is someone out there who will love you in spite of your flaws but that can’t happen until you do it first…
…keep reading the full & original article HERE