You can buy happiness…and it doesn’t cost very much at all!

You can buy happiness…and it doesn’t cost very much at all!

Check out this great article from – 

Happiness can indeed be bought.

But there’s no storefront, no web site, no vendors or purchase orders required. And the wealth isn’t wired —but it is transferred.

If you want happiness for an hour—take a nap.

If you want happiness for a day—go fishing.

If you want happiness for a month—get married.

If you want happiness for a year—inherit a fortune.

If you want happiness for a lifetime—help others.

– Chinese proverb

Here’s how to get both rich and happy, guaranteed.

  • Find a cause that feeds your soul. You’ll know it when you find it, because you’ll feel excited and uplifted at the thought of being involved. It’s okay if you find multiple causes, even rotate them. I’ve been involved with civil rights, abused kids, homelessness, women’s halfway houses, meal delivery programs and AIDS—each experience has stretched me in ways I could never have imagined. Learn about causes via Google or go to

  • Commit to “one a week.” This means giving an hour a week to a cause or an hour’s worth of salary. (Or give whatever amount feels right—just give something!). You can batch up your time and/or money and give in chunks, too.

  • After you make a commitment to yourself, schedule your service time to ensure it happens. Write it on your calendar, book it in your phone, or write it on your hand—whatever it takes to make this an unbreakable date for giving. If you don’t set the time aside, life will intrude and you’ll lose the opportunity…

…keep reading more HERE