18 Sep 10 lessons we can all learn from happy people
I've no idea why really happy people are referred to in this article as "annoying" but I do like what they say about what we can learn from happy people about how to enjoy and create happiness for ourselves.
You can read the full and original version of "These are the things that you can learn from annoyingly happy people" – HERE
But if you just want the top 10 list then here you go…
Focus on the here and now
learn when and how to say "no"
smile, even at mean people
laugh at your mistakes
keep your home simple and tidy
be happy with and grateful for even the smallest moments
smile and trick your brain into thinking it's happy
develop a positive attitude
be happy with OK and let go of perfect
accept others for who they are…with all their flaws
These are things we can all do, or learn to do, and when we do we'll experience more happiness. So get to it now…again, you can read the full article HERE if you like but just make a start on at least some of these top 10 tips and make your life a happy one now.