11 Jun Saturday morning happiness…what language do you use to describe the day?
Here in Sydney it's pretty cold and wet. It's a long weekend in most of Australia so most of you reading this will have plans for rest and relaxation, recovery and recuperation, revelry and, well, I think you get the idea.
But all too often we associate "non sunny" weather with "non positive moods". We often don't realise it but many of us equate happiness with blue skies and sadness with cloudy days.
Think about the language we often use to describe the weather; an overcast and/or rainy day will often be referred to as "miserable"! What impact does this actually have on our mood? Do we really think that that we can't be happy unless the sky is clear, the sun is out and…?
This might seem relatively trivial BUT the words we use, any and all the time, are crucial because they contribute to our mood (including the extent to which we experience positive moods such as happiness) and they also impact on what we do (or don't do).
So what words can you use today to boost your positivity and happiness despite the whether? What will you do today to take control of your moods and hopefully, create more happiness regardless of what ever's going on around you?
I'd love to know your thoughts and invite you to share, as always, on our Facebook Page HERE