06 Aug The psychology of happiness
by Roya Rad
We live in a world that is progressing at such a fast pace that sometime we wonder if we can catch up. But yet, when it comes to understanding ourselves and our surroundings, we seem to be trapped in the shallow. This functioning from the shallow can create a sense that something is missing, an inner hole, a certain longing. Since we are all innately designed to reach our fullest and deepest parts of being, staying in the shallow would not be fulfilling. We search and search for filling up that empty spot inside but it does not seem to work, or it may work for a short time but the sensation of emptiness resurfaces. We search for happiness but sometimes wonder if we know what it means…
At the end, the more evolved definition of happiness is not attached to anything specific but is open to life as a whole — it is not an imitation of what others consider happiness, but is personal and creates an inner sense of stability. In order to define what makes us happy we need to learn who we are, what our needs are, what we desire in life, what makes us grow, and what strengths and limitations we have.
In addition, it comes with awareness of oneself and one’s surroundings, the roles she plays in life and the passions she chases. At its peak, happiness brings about a sense of inner liberation and peace in which the individual is connected to all that life offers, but is not anxiously attached to anything or to the outcomes. The individual feels more joy of gain than pain of loss, tries to change what does not work for her and accepts what she can’t change, and finds a thirst for knowledge and learning about herself and her surrounding on a continuous base. This learning helps expand our definition of happiness. On the other side, the more we feel happy the easier we can learn; so the two complement each other.
This is just the beginning and the end. To read the full article on the psychology of happiness CLICK HERE