30 Mar New Neuroscience Reveals 2 Secrets That Will Make You Emotionally Intelligent
For many, emotional intelligence is the foundation upon which happiness and good mental health can be built.
The ability to recognise and regulate emotions is crucial; and arguably one of the most important “life skills” we can learn and master.
As such, I’m happy today to share with you yet another great article be Eric Barker …
A big part of being emotionally intelligent is understanding what’s going on in the minds of others. But doing that is really difficult. (So difficult I’ve been worried I broke my mirror neurons – and that’s why I’ve had 7 years of bad luck.)
We’re not mind readers. But given the pandemic and its negative impact on our social lives, we need the facts more than ever. So I went all Hardy Boys on this one and dug for the scientific answers we need…
The first section of my upcoming book Plays Well With Others stress-tests the old maxim “Don’t judge a book by its cover” — and tells us how we can get better at it. Below is a short excerpt from the book with a few powerful tips to help get you started.
This is just a taste. There’s much much more in the book (and awesome bonuses for preordering.) Grab a copy at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, Indiebound or Bookshop.
Alrighty, let’s get to it…
Book Excerpt: Reading People Scientifically
Would you like to be able to read the minds of others? To know what those around you think and feel? Of course you would. We’re not crazy for wanting this ability. Research shows even a slight edge here is quite powerful. “Accurate person perception” has a conga line of personal and interpersonal benefits. Studies show that those who possess it are happier, less shy, better with people, have closer relationships, get bigger raises, and receive better performance reviews. When we look more specifically at those who are better interpreters of body language and nonverbal communication, we see similar positive effects…
… keep reading the full & original article HERE