06 Aug Happiness as a parallel universe
I actually posted this a few weeks ago but after sending it out to another database, and receiving a very positive response, I thought I’d put it up again with the hope it might remind you of some important happiness principles and…ultimately enhance your happiness.
Even though I talk about happiness and happiness strategies every day as part of my “job”, and even though I’m never able (because of this) to forget the key concepts of happiness, sometimes it takes a very real and/or personal event to make something hit home.
And recently I had an epiphany that reminded me of one of the key happiness principles.
There are two “issues” in my life at the moment that I’m trying to manage. Without really realising it I’ve been inadvertently telling myself that I’ll be happy when these two issues are resolved. I have, in effect, been postponing my happiness until my life is perfect!
But quite obviously, my life will never be perfect. And quite obviously, even if and when these two issues are resolved there will be other issues to which I”ll need to attend. So my epiphany was, and what I tell others almost every day, be wary of the “tyranny of whenê¢__‘Ô_” the “I’ll be happy whenê¢__‘Ô_” thoughts!
Instead, I came up with a new concept of happiness as a parrallel universe; that is, something that I want to foster and care for REGARDLESS of what else is going on in my life. This is not to say that I won’t continue to do my best to address these issues and this is not to say I’ll not continue to strive and aspire and achieve etc.
But regardless of the less than perfect nature of my life and of the world I’m now more determined that ever to generate happiness for the sake of happiness! I suspect my revelation is similar to the Buddhist concept of detachment, and maybe to the mindfulness construct of “non-judgemental observation”.
What do you think? What can you do to foster happiness in your life despite any imperfections and difficulties you might be experiencing?