31 Dec Happiness is having fun
Although I have been busy posting comments on this blog and, among other things, writing my next book (details to be announced soon!) I’ve also been having a great time lately, enjoying a few week’s break and even now, enjoying a somewhat quieter time of the year.
In between some slow-paced work, much swimming and watching a bit of cricket here and there, I’ve also been having lot’s of fun…which is something, of course, that’s very relevant to happiness.
Playing with my children is one of the best things I can do if I want to be happy. For a variety of reasons it’s one of the most significant contributors to my happiness levels. It helps me drop my guard and be silly; it focuses me on the present; and it makes me realise there are many things far more important than me (i.e. my children!).
But believe it or not silliness and fun and play don’t come all that naturally to me. Like many “grown ups” I have, over the years, become a bit more serious as I’ve taken on more responsibilities etcetera etcetera. But the good news is it’s possible to unlearn some of that seriousness and relearn how to be childlike again (this is not, I’d like to emphasise, the same as being immature). And I can honestly say it’s worth it’s weight in happiness gold.
So for another happiness tip…have some fun, make some time for play and don’t forget to allow yourself to be silly every now and then!