October 2019

via Quartz by Dr Travis Bradberry We’re always chasing something—be it a promotion, a new car, or a significant other. This leads to the belief that, “When (blank) happens, I’ll finally be happy.” While these major events do make us happy at first, research shows this happiness...

via Forbes by William Arruda These seven things act as dampers on your energy, positivity and capability. When you nix them, you’ll find yourself more confident, motivated and approachable—and those are valuable personal brand traits. 1. Complaining. Sure, venting can make you feel good for a moment, but it does nothing to...

via Psychology Today by Susan Krauss Whitbourne The desire to help other people can take many forms. In some cases, the help involves showing concern to a stranger. You can fight off the urge toward diffusion of responsibility, and lend a hand to someone who’s tripped...

Is happiness success? Is success happiness? Depending on how you define these terms, surely the greatest success in life must be happiness! Accordingly, those of us wanting more happiness can learn from those who've achieved success. Which makes this article a must read...

via Forbes by Jodie Cook If you are relying on anyone or anything else for your happiness, stop that right now. If you feel like you’re not quite doing what you want to be doing and you’re not quite the person you want to be, let...

Happiness is largely about focus. Most of us know what makes us happy. But most of us too easily allow ourselves to be distracted from happiness by less important or seemingly urgent "things". The good news is you can learn to focus better and to...

Happiness is many things Happiness is many different things. Happiness is many different things to many different people. But almost always, happiness is staying positive...

We can't be happy every day. But we can try our best every day; and as a result, we can enjoy happiness most of the time. Happiness is about making the most of what we have, with what we've got, from where we are. And...