October 2019

via the Ladders by Benjamin P Hardy “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” — Marcus Tullius Cicero Life is harder now because our world is designed to distract us. Our world is more confusing than ever. This is no secret. Depression...

via Eric Barker GOOD GOD, WILL YOU SHUT UP? Sorry. Wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to the voice in my head… Don’t look at me like I’m crazy; you have one too. That Inner Critic. Sometimes it’s worried and you get play-by-play color commentary on how...

via LifeHacker by Nicole Dieker There are two kinds of happiness — the kind that lasts for an instant and the kind that can permeate an entire lifetime. If you’re looking for the first kind of happiness, seek out novel experiences. Chase thrills, try new things, push...

As I've been saying for almost 2 decades now, happiness requires little more than practising a few simple disciplines, each and every day. Happiness comes, therefore, from good habits. And happiness also correlates positively, not surprisingly, with mental health. So these 3 skills designed for...

via the Ladders by Eric Barker These are the 10 things that scientific research shows can help improve your life.Do them, and you'll enjoy more happiness! 1. Get out in nature You probably seriously underestimate how important this is. (Actually, there’s research that says you do.) Being in...

via the Greater Good by Mitch Abblett “You’re making Daddy late for work!” I said, standing over my then-three-year-old daughter with the winter coat I was insisting she wear.  “No! I’m not wearing it!” Celia screamed. My anger surged. Thoughts of “I’m sick of this” and “She’s...