August 2023

I'm a big fan of happiness AND of habits. In fact, if you're on Audible, I have a whole series of habits for happiness audiobooks, FREE for members / subscribers (HERE). And although much of it is "common sense", we don't always do what we...

If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got. If you're happy with what you've got, or what you're getting, then that's fine. But if you want more happiness and more success, or less unhappiness and less,...

Research into happiness, and Positive Psychology research into thriving and flourishing more generally, has come a long way in 20 or so years. From it's birth and simplistic focus on positive emotions, like happiness, Positive Psychology and the study of wellbeing have evolved to explore...

Happiness can be thought of as a positive emotion. Happiness is a form of pleasure or joy, satisfaction or contentment. But these positive emotions are relatively fleeting. So, real happiness, or thriving and flourishing as Positive Psychologists refer to it, also involves something deeper and...

The science of Positive Psychology has been dominated, somewhat, by the positive emotion of happiness. Happiness is great. But so too are other positive emotions such as gratitude and joy, satisfaction and calm. In addition to these, and without diminishing the importance of happiness, there...

Happiness obviously comes from creating more opportunities to enjoy positive emotions and experiences. But happiness also requires managing and ideally reducing the inevitable negative emotions and experiences. Real and enduring happiness requires both, but today, the focus is on identifying what might be causing unhappiness...