August 2018

via Entrepreneur by Deep Patel Your quality of life and your feelings of fulfillment and satisfaction are a reflection of your mindset and your standards. A poor mental state will drag you down and make it impossible to achieve your dreams or feel happy. Feeling positive and contented with...

Happiness isn't feeling good ALL the time. Happiness is about enjoying the good times; but happiness is also about managing and/or responding effectively to the tough times. To be happy, therefore, one needs an awareness of one's emotions and a repertoire of coping strategies. That is, emotional...

via by Marcel Schwantes If you've ever felt like you're just the average Joe or Jane, I have news for you. Anybody can be awesome. Being awesome doesn't mean having off-the-chain leadership skills at work or killing it with your uncanny negotiation prowess. Smart, talented, pretty, tall, charismatic, funny. If you know...

Happiness is enjoying the present moment. And happiness is being grateful for what you have. But happiness is also, sometimes, making changes ...

by Dr Tim Sharp (aka Dr Happy) Just over a week ago, I was honoured to speak at the BOKideas first Buddy Breakfast (if you have a Facebook account you can check out some pics HERE. I say "first" because they're continuing on with a National Tour...

There are times when happiness comes from aiming high and achieving great things. But there are also times when setting unrealistic goals can create disappointment and frustration, destroying any chance we had for happiness. Happiness, then, is finding a balance between these two situations. And happiness is...

via by Marcel Schwantes So much has been written about the burgeoning happiness movement. While combing through my own research and notes on what happy and successful people do, it struck me how intentional they are about choosing the right mindset to become happier and more optimistic. While countless books have been written on...

We spend a lot of time at work; so happiness at work is important. And for happiness, positive relationships are important. To create more happiness, at work and in life therefore, building real and meaningful workplace friendships is crucial...