October 2011

This morning I donated my time to help out a preparatory school in Sydney. It didn't take up much of my time, only an hour or so, but they were so grateful for my contribution and so thankful that I'd decided not to charge them...

Do good to others and you'll feel good yourself; because other people matter and happiness isn't just feeling good it's also doing good.  So we know from many, many research studies that being kind and caring and practicing altruism and generosity is the world's best win-win....

Money and wealth or happiness and health? Do you really need to choose? Are they dichotomous or mutually exclusive constructs? We have, and so too have many others, written and talked much about these questions over the years and they are, admittedly, very important questions. So in...

How do you live your life and to what extent is it conducive to happiness?  An article in the Sydney Morning Herald recently discussed the notion of "eating personality". Before going on I'd like to note that this blog is not just for those interested in...

by Christine Carter from the Huffington Post Every time I  watch this hilarious video of a little girl cheering herself on, I think: Her parents must be pretty happy people. I don't know for sure, of course, but my guess is that they model happiness and...