October 2009

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock , with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. His wife of 70 years recently passed away,...

Positive Psychology, the science of happiness, is not just theory; it is based on theory and science but it has many valuable and important applications from improving education to enhancing business...

What makes women happy? Looking at scads of data, some pundits say: "nothing." On a personal journey since turning the fated 50, and helped by a talented team at McKinsey, I also pursued the answer. Five years later our research has helped us begin to...

Optimism can help us look toward the future, but unreasonable optimism can be your worst enemy when you're setting goals for exercise. If you start by reaching too high, falling short of your initial goal may ultimately serve to make you feel discouraged, rather than...

Barbara Ehrenreich is now the latest to weigh in on the Female Happiness Conundrum _ã” the whole cultural brouhaha caused by the news from Wharton School professors Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers earlier this year that despite all the objective improvements to their lives over...

Positive Psychology News Daily - October 22, 2009 Relationships in Schools Matter - by John Yeager _ã–We must look for what is good in an organization before we move forward. Where the organization wants to be is based on higher moments of where they have been._㝠David Cooperrider...

Although this is almost certainly a blatant marketing/promotional campaign for the well known soft-drink maker it does make for interesting reading for those of us keeping abreast of all things happiness...

Positive Psychology has been described as a discipline supported by three pillars: Positive Emotions (such as happiness) / Experiences, Positive Traits, and Positive Institutions. In recent lectures, Martin Seligman has expanded the construct to include Positive Relationships as one of the pillars of positive psychology. That is...

Just when you despair for humanity (or perhaps the media version of ourselves), someone reminds us of the creative, uplifting, and inspirational potential of media technologies. If you haven't seen it, check out The Fun Theory sponsored by Volkswagen. It's brilliant in its simplicity. The introduction...