October 2009

Positive emotions such as happiness not only feel good, they play a crucial role in your health. Negative emotions change our brain function in ways that increase stress, which raises the risk of problems such as cancer and heart disease. And since positive emotions like...

A mother recently wrote in to me asking for help because she felt her daughter loved her husband more than her! How could she cope with this? Where could she and her family find happiness? Using the principles of positive psychology I provided her with...

To be happy, you must generate between four to six positive emotions for every negative feeling you experience. This is the formula scientists have found is essential for creating authentic happiness. Sadly, most people don't have nearly enough positivity in their daily lives. But we...

We are so attached to the concept of happiness. It's ingrained into our culture as the ultimate and honorable American goal. For many, happiness is equated with financial, romantic and material success, or with being thin and healthy. For others, the concept of happiness is...

Melody Warnick feels good. After the stock market crashed last year, the Iowa writer began pouring money into the stock market, bulking up her retirement accounts and buying shares in Apple and Yahoo. "My husband and I have been pretty dang optimistic throughout the recession,"...

Positive organisational scholarship runs a parrallel path to positive psychology but more explicitly explores aspects of positivity within the workplace. In this fascinating article, a bankrupt entrepreneur reviews his thoughts on losing everything. Is it possible to find positive meaning (and dare I say happiness) in such negative experiences?...

By understanding the science of happiness and applying the findings from happiness research, more people can enjoy greater life satisfaction. But, finding happiness is not just about feeling good or feeling positive emotions for the sake of pleasure. To find out more about happiness science and...