by Matt Valentine via Buddhaimonia
The popularity of meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, has exploded in recent years. Because of this, huge waves of people are just beginning their meditation practice, or still working out the kinks, and could use some simple guidance.
I don’t pretend to know...
Here at The Happiness Institute we're big advocates of meditation (which among other things, is a powerful contributor to health, wellbeing and happiness).
But having instructed hundreds (if not thousands) of clients over the years we're well aware that like many other things, it's easier said...
by Dr. Paula Watkins
One size fits all never fits everyone.
This is as true for yoga and meditation as it is for what we wear.
That’s why, in India—homeland of these traditions—there are many, many different paths winding to, around and up the meditation mountain.
Desikachar put it...
from the wonderful Geater Good website
NB: and if you're in Sydney, you might like to check out our upcoming Mindfulness in Action course (HERE)
You’re in a waiting room, seated next to two other people. There are only three chairs. A woman enters on crutches, a...
by Nick Lim-Howe (HERE)
Following the success of our meditation seminars, I thought it would be a good idea to recap and share some of the benefits of regular meditative practices as well as a few practical tips to help maintain them.
Meditation can provide a safe...
By Dan Harris from ABC News
A quiet explosion of new research indicating that meditation can physically change the brain in astonishing ways has started to push into mainstream.
Several studies suggest that these changes through meditation can make you happier, less stressed -- even nicer to...