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If you answered yes, reflect on how you feel when you're online vs offline. Among other things, when you're staring at your screen you're often living other people's thoughts and worries and lives. When you get yourself offline, you can think your own thoughts and live your...

How does your definition of happiness impact on the choices you make?  Although you might not have thought about this before it's a vitally important question to contemplate if you're wanting more happiness (and success) in your life.  Choice and happiness have long been linked...

As I frequently do, I bring to you today another interesting article on happiness from ScienceLine. Here at The Happiness Institute we've always considered happiness to be something we choose (or don't choose) to enjoy. But as this article quite rightly points out, the choices...

A HAPPINESS FORMULABy Lionel Ketchian ( Yes, a happiness formula that will help you not only understand happiness, but also how it can work for you. It is called the DOC Formula for Happiness. The letter D is for DECISION, O is for OBSTACLE, AND...

CHOICE POWER!By Lionel Ketchian Why choose happiness? Because that's what you really want. When something makes you unhappy, the reason you feel that way is because you think someone or something took your happiness away from you. When you are unhappy you become a victim...

Just over a month ago, as the warmer, summer months were coming to an end here in Sydney, Australia, I went for a Sunday afternoon swim with my beautiful 11-year old daughter. I'd had a great weekend, a very constructive Sunday, and this was the...

We've all had the experience of bagging what we think is the perfect mobile phone or pair of shoes - only to find something much better almost as soon as we walk out of the shop. No matter how much research we put in to what...