June 2020

You can't be happy and positive ALL the time; and you shouldn't expect to be either. But happiness is definitely worth striving for as often as possible; and you'll not achieve this without a (realistically) positive mindset...

via the Good News Network The average American makes 6,709 spontaneous decisions every year, according to new research. A brand new survey of 2,000 American respondents found, when including decisions such as getting coffee, trying a new lunch place, taking a nap and the like, the...

via the Ladders by Christopher D Connors Confidence is attained when we’re prepared and self-aware enough to appreciate who we are — faults and all. Confidence is desired in all kinds of relationships, and it’s the ingredient that colors our view of ourselves, as well as...

via Inc.com by Kathy Caprino I was speaking recently to a client who is struggling intensely with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on her life. The changes she’s been forced to make have been extremely difficult to navigate, and include needing to refocus so much...

via the Ladders by Kaitlyn McInnes “As Americans, we often think that things, especially the getting of things, make us happier whether that’s a new car, shoes, new nail polish, or something else,”  says Taylor Martin, Virtual Life Coach. While those quick happiness boosters might seem materialistic,...

Happiness and optimism go hand in hand. It's hard to be happy if you're thinking very pessimistically; and if you're feeling happy you're more likely to think optimistically. But no one will be happy or optimistic ALL the time. We all have moments or days...