April 2012

by Nui Te Koha for the Herald Sun (HERE) THE Voice has spoken. Inspiration, hugs and tears of joy are back. Humiliation, rejection and shame-related blubbering are sacked.   Elimination, the staple of the reality television talent search, and a guilt-free excuse to air a medley of woeful...

If happiness wasn't a desirable goal in and of itself then how about contemplating that happiness and optimism may well protect your heart and help you live longer! Happiness = longevity ...

Boost your happiness with positive habits.  Achieving happiness requires nothing more than practising a few simple disciplines each and every day.  Do the right things, regularly, and happiness will be yours.  All of this and more is summed up nicely in this great article from Psychology Today...

So many people I talk to are, unfortunately, unhappy at work! We spend so much of our lives engaged in some way or other in paid employment except for so many, rather than bringing happiness and satisfaction it brings stress and depression.  That's why, I'm so...

I'm happy to share with you this somewhat serious, but very important article from the UK's Guardian about creating a happier world. I say serious. believing that happiness IS a serious business, but it's also something that with some extra time on the weekend, I...

I recently stumbled upon this interesting article which although ostensibly focusing on success is, in my humble opinion, just as relevant to happiness (and health and a whole range of other desirable outcomes)! It begins like this...