wisdom Tag

Sometimes going by the name of "The Serenity Prayer", the following simple but incredibly powerful philosophy has helped me time and time again: change what you can change (do what you can do) accept what you can't change be wise enough to know the difference Don't...

via Buzzfeed by Arianna Rebolini In Advice From My 80-Year-Old Self, artist Susan O’Malley asked ordinary people, ages 7 to 88, to channel their future (or past!) selves and ask them for some guidance. O’Malley, who tragically died shortly after completing the project, said she found each...

via the Huffington Post by Poonacha Machaiah Seven years have flown by since I moved to India. It has been a fantastic journey reconnecting with my roots. Growing up in India, I did not have the luxury of travel, but thanks to the support of my family...

by Poonacha Machaiah via the Huffington Post Seven years have flown by since I moved to India. It has been a fantastic journey reconnecting with my roots. Growing up in India, I did not have the luxury of travel, but thanks to the support of my...

Does wisdom bring happiness (or vice versa)?  by Robert Wright for the Atlantic "The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts," said Marcus Aurelius. If he's right, the path to well-being is straightforward: Avoid low-quality thoughts! Sadly, it's far from clear that he's right....