depression Tag

This blog is from yesterday's FREE eNewsletter. If' you don't already receive it each Monday morning you can sign up HERE (again, for free)!  by Dr. Timothy J Sharp (aka Dr. Happy)  Did you know that a significant proportion (30 and possibly up to 40%) of people...

by Cassie Shortsleeve for Mens Health Looking for a med-free way to lift your mood? Talk it out. A new study in The Lancet adds to an existing body of research suggesting that therapy really does help alleviate feelings of depression. Six months of cognitive behavioral therapy...

I thought you might find the following research summary, from a recent edition of The Journal of Positive Psychology, interesting...

by Sharon Salzberg for the Huffington Post Last week the Dalai Lama was at Emory University, where he holds a Presidential Distinguished Professorship. Amongst the offerings were a teaching on compassion and an exploration of scientific research into compassion meditation. There was also a discussion with...

by Jonathan Rottenberg, Ph.D. for Psychology Today   Nothing could be more American than the pursuit of happiness. Along with life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness is written into the Declaration of Independence as a fundamental right. Everyone I know wants to be alive, free, and...

Happiness is not just about feeling good, it's also about preventing feeling bad! Positive psychology has assumed this for quite some time, that positive emotions such as happiness boost our wellbeing but also prevent negative emotional states and experiences. Now we have some more research...

Some authors, including Kay Redfield Jamison, think there is more to depression than negativity. How can sadness be of any possible benefit? In the following article, Timothy T.C. So discusses the positive side of sadness. The emphasis of positive psychology on building the best things in...