acceptance Tag

There is so much you can do, change, make better. There is so much you can do nothing about. Both are equally true. Both require action and acceptance....

Doing the right thing isn't always easy. In fact, doing the right thing can sometimes be difficult and distressing. But doing the right thing is still, always, the right thing and so, always worth doing. Do the right thing and when necessary, accept the pain....

Let it be just what it is. Let them be just what they are. But remember also, let yourself be who you are AND let yourself respond in ways that are healthy and helpful. This is acceptance combined with action. This is happiness....

25 years ago I left what was my dream job, to start what became my new dream job. 5 years after that, I changed to create another dream position. And now I'm doing something else entirely, which is my new dream. Change and evolution are healthy. Try not...

Happiness isn't finding a place of perfection and calm. Happiness is finding a way to be calm amidst imperfection and chaos. Happiness is acceptance of all that is....

You can be grateful for your life, and parts of the world around you whilst still acknowledging how challenging it can be and how much devastation there is You can believe people are predominately good and caring, without being naive or having others take advantage of...

The day you learn to accept who you really are, with all your weaknesses AND strengths ...

Sometimes going by the name of "The Serenity Prayer", the following simple but incredibly powerful philosophy has helped me time and time again: change what you can change (do what you can do) accept what you can't change be wise enough to know the difference Don't...