April 2007

The question of what happiness really means and how it can be achieved has been a topic of deep human thought since Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato began to discuss the true meaning of "eudaimonia," the Greek word for happiness. They said the experience...

Consider the following happiness line from a wonderful book titled "The Little Prince": For instance, if you come at four in the afternoon I'll begin to be happy by three. If we set up our lives in a way whereby we know that happiness is just...

An award-winning psychologist exposes traditional wisdom to the scrutiny of science to show why ancient insights still help us live more meaningful-and healthy-lives Your grandmother was smarter than you knew. In fact, grandmothers and other sages, in cultures all over the world, have handed down...

Although almost five million Brits admit to a touch of ergophobia (fear of work), the good news is that bosses think the situation is worse than it is - scoring their workers" happiness lower than workers rate it themselves. The finding comes from City & Guilds...

They may not enjoy the most prestige - and they're certainly not among the highest paid - but members of the nation's clergy are among the happiest of the country's workers. That's one finding in a new University of Chicago report that tracked job satisfaction...

Danes are the happiest people in Europe, a survey suggests. But what is the secret of their happiness? Asked to rate both their happiness and long-term life satisfaction, Danish people trounce their European cousins. Many in Denmark put this regularly-surveyed happiness down to a dynamic...

People looking for jobs that bring satisfaction and happiness should concentrate on professions that focus primarily on serving other people, according to a new report from the University of Chicago. "The most satisfying jobs are mostly professions, especially those involving caring for, teaching, and protecting...

Following on from my previous posting I discovered also this interesting quote: The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology. - Red Auerbach, 1917-2006, Hall of Fame American Basketball Coach This would seem to be entirely consistent with our approach at...

This morning I discovered the following quote: Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. - Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, German-born American Physicist On reflection I created the following happiness version: Anyone who doesn't take happiness seriously in small...