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Here at The Happiness Institute we focus, not surprisingly, on happiness and positive emotions.  But life isn't always perfect and no one, not even me (Dr. Happy) is happy ALL the time.  Some people, at some times, experience depression...

by Dr. Timothy Sharp - Clinical & Coaching Psychologist (Twitter @drhappy)  In recent weeks we've seen several high profile examples of the devastation mental illness can cause. If we needed any more evidence that no one, regardless of fame and fortune and beauty, is immune to...

Do you look after someone with physical and/or psychological health problems? Does it impact on your happiness? If so, consider these statistics:   According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, within any 12 month period approximately 20% of Australians are affected by depression and other common mental...

Given our efforts, here at The Happiness Institute, to build online methods and groups and reinforcement for happiness via the principles of positive psychology on Twitter, Facebook and our own website, we found this article of interest and hope you will too; here's just a sample...