regrets Tag

via the Huffington Post Karl Pillemer, a Ph.D. gerontologist at Cornell University, has spent the last several years interviewing hundreds of older Americans to systematically collect their practical wisdom. His first book, 30 Lessons for Living, synthesized advice from over 1,000 elders on topics like happiness, work,...

If happiness is living a full life and if happiness is having no regrets then this article, recently published in The Guardian, should be of interest to all in search of living a happy life...

Now here's a great happiness related article from Science Daily ScienceDaily (May 2, 2011) — People who look at the past through rose-tinted glasses are happier than those who focus on negative past experiences and regrets, according to a new study published in the journal Personality...

This was passed on to us here at The Happiness Institute by one of our regular readers who noted that it's been doing the email rounds and that it might be of interest to other readers. We definitely agreed with the latter so here it...