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via Business Insider by Rachel Gillett Benjamin Franklin began and ended each day with a question: "What good shall I do this day?" in the morning, and "What good have I done this day?" in the evening. In fact, many great thinkers embraced the idea of constantly...

Ask yourself these questions every morning and create more happiness each and every day!  from  Do you need help focusing on what matters most? If you think happiness and success means making lots of money and buying lots of stuff, the answer to this question is yes. Dirty,...

Today, instead of posting advice, I've decided to post some questions. Because it's the answers to these questions that will guide you towards more happiness and increase your chances of living a good life...

What is happiness and how can you achieve it? Why is happiness so hard to find sometimes? Shouldn't it come naturally? What can I do to become happier and can I be happy all the time? How do I make others happy? Some time ago...

What is happiness? Check out these FAQs with some practical answers Frequently asked questions about happiness - ...